ECME BLOG January 17
"The use of music and songs of the culture
in early childhood music education".
Singing is a natural way of involvement with music. Children hear the melodies and structure of the language and because music is both performance and story, songs of the culture shape a musical and cultural identity. Music offers a sense of both self and others and social groups express in their cultural activities the agreed values. (Frith 2010)
Every nation "owns" songs from its culture. It helps children to integrate in society, teaches them social customs and order, thus contributing to general persistence and continuation of culture. (Kiilu 2010)
As songs from the culture are passed on by generations the core values of a nation are expressed in the songs.
In the
In the Dutch Music on the Lap courses we use songs with melodies, harmonies and rhythms based on Western cultural tradition and we pass on songs in the nation's language. The use of words however is sometimes out of date: (i.e. : : : Twee emmertjes water halen ("Get two buckets of water"), and sometimes it is not easy to explain the exact meaning of the lyrics. The lyrics, however, are often linked to education, raising children, learning things about live, becoming clean, gender differences, or learning to cope with social emotional aspects of live. Parents don't realize the significance or the psychological impact of the songs but an early childhood music teacher can give meaning to songs by offering significant and interesting activities.
Traditional songs reflect a wide range of human experiences, patterns of tradition, and beliefs that parents and (great) grand parents learned in their lives. In the music on the lap course we sing and play the song "Zo gaat de molen". It is a circle game. The mill (molen) is going round slowly but the wings (wieken) are going fast. Children three years old can sing the song it is a group event and we all like it very much.
In the next blog I would like to share thoughts about:
Competences of ECME teachers.
You may send your reactions to
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Frith, S. (2010) Music and identity. Questions of cultural identity. P.108-127
Kiilu, K. (2010) The development of the concept of music education in Estonian kindergartens, 1905-2008: A historical-critical overview.
Gestel van. M. (2010) Building bridges between generations Proceedings of the 29th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education,